Showing posts with label carnelian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carnelian. Show all posts

Monday, October 06, 2008

Hello from Hilton Head

I just spent a few lovely days in Hilton Head, South Carolina, tagging along while my husband attended a conference there. We got there a day early so I was able to get him out on the ocean in a kayak (my favorite form of transport on the water). Of course, I took my work with me, but there is a difference in working on the balcony of the ninth floor overlooking the ocean and listening to the waves break and working in an airless office with the droning of air conditioners in the background! The picture above shows the balcony and the sunrise over the ocean. The first day my husband awoke me a few minutes after 7:00 to share the sunrise with me - and it was much more beautiful than the picture suggests. It was so lovely that he woke me every morning just to see it (no easy task getting me awake in the morning). I told him that Sunday morning we ought to get up early and watch the sunrise while walking on the beach. I know he thought I would never get up, but I did! Of course that was the only cloudy morning! However, I jumped in the pool for a 7:30 dip, which was heavenly as was the hot coffee when I got out.
The bracelets you see here are some that I made in Hilton Head - a great place to work! Of course, I was limited by the supplies that I could actually take with me, but that, too, was part of the fun - seeing what I could do with the limited quantities I had. The first bracelet that you see (above) is a unique mixture of aquamarine, chrysoprase, chalcedony, carnelian, lemon quartz, and amethyst combined with sterling silver. Below, a double-stranded amethyst bracelet gets its allure from vermeil components; I especially love the little faceted vermeil nuggets from Bali, a favorite that I haven't been able to obtain for a while.

The rest of the bracelets are combinations of gemstones that you don't always see together. Below, pink chalcedony, dark peacock-blue apatite, aquamarine and carnelian are held together by an unusual lampwork bead by James Derrick Reeves in this unique bracelet with sterling silver. The next tiger-eye bracelet also has citrine, including a citrine pendant/charm, more of the peacock blue apatite, and a lampwork bead with the golden brown tones of the tiger-eye as a base and yellow and blue "speckles" accenting it. Finally, the last blue lace agate jewelry piece is a bracelet with a focal pietersite nugget with blue marbling thoughout although the picture is making the whole nugget look more red than brown.

Working in a vacation spot has its perks, the ocean, the great seafood, a wonderful change in scenery, but coming home has its own rewards. Two of them have been sleeping on me or following me around since I returned. One of the little furry ones keeps shutting the bathroom door deliberately, then meowing until I come and let him out. He waits a moment and then does it again. Why don't I just shut the door so that he can't get it open at all and I won't have to get up again and let him out? Because I really, really missed him!!! I missed the other kitty, too, but he's a little less dramatic.
Some of you have been asking where to buy the jewelry you see here. On my website, of course. The

Monday, July 23, 2007

Fire and Water

Amazonite is a pretty stone (not just found around the Amazon but also in Russia and the United States). When it is a solid soft blue-green as it is in the bracelets above, it is truly beautiful although I like it when it has interesting inclusions as well. The top bracelet I mixed with peridot and with a rose quartz tulip bead to match one of James Derrick Reeves' pretty lampwork beads. The second bracelet again features Reeves' beads this time complemented by faceted black onyx. The colours of Reeves' lampwork beads and his patterns are really amazing.

Below I started working with some fire agate I 'd gotten in the last few weeks. The bangle bracelet below has a large oval with my favourite mixtures of translucency, cream, red, and orange. The rondelles are also fire agate. The carnelian necklace has fire agate ovals alternated with chunky faceted carnelian nuggets. A 14 karat gold filled chain holds a carnelian turtle, carnelian fish, vermeil disk, and fire agate smooth teardrop.

Finally, a wonderful aquamarine bracelet with a great swirling dichroic bead by Paula Radke at its center. The aquamarine stones on this bracelet are especially pretty, both smooth and faceted. Some sterling and a dichroic bead are all that's needed.