Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Ice Storm: Diamonds Outside; No Electricity Inside

Hello, everyone.
I have been suffering from Internet withdrawal, lack of heat, hot food, and hot showers. Why? Tuesday evening when we arrived home, we had just walked in the door when the electricity went off. It has never come back on at home. We have an all-electric house, so that means we have no hot water, no heat source but our fireplace, and no light but candles. Did you know that you can read by candlelight?
Unfortunately, the electricity has been off at our offices also until this afternoon. When we found out that the electricity was back on at the office, you've never seen two people leave a house in such a whirlwind! The cats still had perplexed looks on their faces as we ran out the door!
We have had a huge ice storm; trees that I thought were so old and strong that they were untouchable have had limbs broken off from the top and sides so that they are only half as tall as they were. (I took a picture, then left my camera at home, but I will post). Everything outside is shining, beautiful like some kind of fairy land . Hans and Gerda may run through my back yard any minute! But the sounds Tuesday night and Wednesday night were horrible, the cracking sounds of branches breaking off trees - all night long.
I've never experienced a power outage this long before, and as soon as I got to the office, I tried to find out when it would end. It may be Sunday before we have power (and we live in town - and all of our power lines are underground!). It could be longer.
As long as I can get to the office and on the Internet, I may be able to keep my sanity (thank God, our offices are across from the police station and the county courthouse!).
PLEASE if you have any tips for living without electricity, share them with me!

Meanwhile, a bracelet and necklace that were made before this catastrophe:


L.L. said...

You create some beautiful pieces, but I have to comment on the one in this post of beach/ocean elements. The coral with turquoise (?) and silver shells almost made me forget about winter!

clunygrey said...

Thank you! I wish it had some real physical warming qualities (not just psychological); I'd be sleeping in it right now!

Marie Cramp said...

Being of the mormon faith we are strong in the preparedness values. If you need to cook food and you don't have a camping stove you can use a small paintcan filled with rubbing alcohol and a roll of toilet paper without the core. It will burn for hours. Now if I could just remember if you need the lid on with holes in it...

Always good to have electric blankets too. Good thing you have a fireplace.

Love all your work. You are truly an inspiration.


(by the way I have linked you)

Richard W. Wise said...

Good read and I like your taste in music.
